Methadone 10mg


What do you know about Methadone?

Methadone is a type of medicine that belongs to the category of opioid medications. Putting the drug under this category makes it a controlled substance. It further means that the drug dosage will be closely monitored by a health expert or so. The usage form of Methadone comes in oral tablets, oral solutions, and oral dispersible tablets. A doctor will prescribe you the best form that will be sufficient for your health.

The tablets of Methadone also come in an intravenous form, which is only prescribed under the guidance of a professional health expert. It is also available in brand names like – Dolophine and Methadose.

What does a pill of Methadone do?

The purpose of Methadone pills is to manage moderate to severe pain conditions. A doctor will prescribe these tablets when other non-opioid drugs are not effective on the pain. Remember that you cannot take these tablets for a prolonged time. It is so because the drug is a controlled substance that can have adverse effects on the human body.

Sometimes, a doctor may also prescribe the use of Methadone to overcome the symptoms of drug addiction. Although Methadone in itself is an opioid drug that can cause addiction, as per the guidelines of a health expert, the drug will be effective in drug addiction.

The drugs that come from the opioid family are almost similar in effect. Most opioids work on treating the condition of pain. The tablet of Methadone will work on the pain receptors inside the body. It will help in reducing the pain and its feel.

Are there any side effects of Methadone?

There are different side effects of Methadone that may take place when you do not follow the directions of drug intake. Mainly these side effects occur when you keep on taking the drug for a long time. Methadone is an opioid that can affect your body’s functioning and cause adverse effects. Here is a list of side effects that may emerge after a few doses of Methadone.

Common side effects –

  • Sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling sleepy
  • Headache
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness

Serious side effects –

  • Chest pain
  • Slowed breathing
  • Feeling fainted
  • Lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shallow breaths
  • Severe dizziness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Restlessness
  • Fast breathing rate
  • Dilated pupils
  • Teary eyes
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiousness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach cramps
  • Muscle aches
  • Seizures

These can be some of the side effects that a person may come across while taking the drug. It would help if you were sure about the dosage plan so that it does not have any harmful effects on your body. Take the drug in the right form, as prescribed by your health expert.

What necessary precautions should a person know while taking Methadone?

Any person who is about to start with a regular dosage of an opioid drug like Methadone, he/she must follow these precautionary measures –

  • Patients who suffer from the problem of severe Asthma, must not take a dose of Methadone.
  • If you have the following issues, then you should avoid the use of Methadone – stomach or intestine blockage, heart problems, breathing problems, alcohol addiction, urination problems, head injury or tumor, mental illness, etc.
  • Please do not misuse the tablets of Methadone as it may lead to addiction, overdose, and abuse. The end result of this could be fatal for the patient’s health.
  • Store the drug dose of Methadone at a place where children cannot find it. Please keep it far away from the reach of any drug abuser.
  • The use of Methadone is not approved for pregnant ladies. It is so because the drug may get transferred inside the baby through the mother.
  • Do not use Methadone along with alcohol, or the side effects can be fatal. It may also lead to severe drowsiness and slow down your breaths, causing respiratory issues.

Why You Should Buy Methadone Online

Buying methadone online is becoming increasingly popular and has many advantages such as convenience, cost savings, and safety. If you are looking for a way to get the medication you need without the hassle of going to a Pharmacy, buying methadone online is a great option.

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