Codeine 60mg


What do you know about Codeine?

Codeine is a medication that helps to get relief from pain occurring in the human body. Apart from acting as a pain-killer, Buy Codeine Online is a useful drug for cough and cold as well. Doctors prescribe tablets of Codeine for treating severe to moderate body pain. The content of the medicine is also found in prescription cough syrups and even a few strong medications for pain.

Though the effect of Codeine is considerably weaker than most opioids, it still affects the brain in the same manner. It works by inhibiting connections between the pain receptors to suppress the body’s reaction. The dependency on Codeine can have the same adverse effect as that of Morphine. Thus, you may say that the effectiveness of Codeine is not less dangerous than Morphine.

Elsewise, Codeine is said to be the “gold standard” among prescription medicines due to its proven effectiveness. However, Codeine is said to be the most widely abused drug in the opioid category due to its euphoric effect. In spite of this, most people buy Codeine for its easy availability and the most popular pain-killer drug.

What does a pill of Codeine do?

As already stated above, the pill Codeine is used to relieve ongoing pain in the human body. This drug, Codeine, also comes in combination with other medicines. The doctors prescribe Codeine tablets to take by mouth at an interval of 4 to 6 hours. A dose of Codeine will lay its impact on the working of the brain, causing transmission of pain throughout the body. Though the tablet of Codeine will help in relieving pain, it will not cure the symptoms or provides speedy recovery. It is better to get assistance from a health advisor rather than take the pill by yourself.

Are there any side effects of Codeine?

A person taking the dose of Codeine should know that the drug may harm their internal system. Therefore, it is better to take medicine after getting a recommendation from your health expert.

The following are the side effects of Codeine –

Common after

effects –

  • Feeling dizzy
  • Drowsiness (too much sleep)
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Loss of coordination
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite

Severe after effects –

  • Hallucination
  • Sweating
  • Fast heart rate
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizure or convulsions
  • Noisy breathing
  • Weak pulse
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Unusual thoughts or behavior
  • Feeling extremely happy or sad
  • Shallow breaths
  • Problem in urination
  • Worsening tiredness

Note that excessive use of Codeine for a long time can affect the fertility rate of men and women as well. Therefore, it’s advised to our customers not to Buy Codeine until they do not have a prescription. To be sure about the correct usage of Codeine, your doctor must recommend the dosage as per the severity of the condition.

What necessary precautions should a person know while taking Codeine tablets?

We have given a list of precautions that will help you in knowing the correct usage form of Codeine.

They are –

  • The FDA has not approved Codeine for use in people below the age of 18 years.
  • People who have issues with severe breathing, stomach problem, or asthma must not take a dose of Codeine.
  • The dose of Codeine can be habit-forming. Misuse of the drug will result in severe addiction, overdose, or even death.
  • Do not give a dose of Codeine to a child without a prescription for the drug.
  • The use of Codeine is not for pregnant women. The medication can cause life-threatening health issues and withdrawal symptoms.
  • The drug may result in fatal side effects if you use it along with other medications.
  • Do not consume alcohol while you are on a regular dose of Codeine. The combination of alcohol with Codeine will result in life-threatening health issues.
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60 Pills, 120 Pills


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